• The California Alliance for Youth and Community Justice (CAYCJ) is the country’s largest coalition of organizations that unapologetically centers young people impacted by the various systems – including law enforcement, juvenile and adult criminal justice, immigrant enforcement, and child welfare - to fight back against systemic injustice, poverty and oppression

CAYCJ Monthly Spotlight

CAYCJ Monthly Spotlight

Every month we like to spotlight a person or an organization that is working hard in their community and making a difference in the Juvenile system!

Our August Spotlight goes to Nallely Navarro !

Nallely is a Youth Policy Fellow with FLY. Nallely is an incredible advocate who consistently goes above and beyond expectations. She is driven by her passion for dismantling oppressive systems and fully supporting youth so they are able to thrive. Over the past couple of months she has helped develop social media materials for AB 1186, shared her story with the LA Times for a piece on youth restitution, led the development of talking points for the Title Regulations Revisions ESC meeting on August 31st, attended the July 27th SYTF subcommittee and gave a powerful public comment, helped train other youth at FLY to prepare for BSCC advocacy, and advised OYCR on developing a Youth Advisory Board and on writing youth friendly language for the youth bill of rights. She has done all this while being a devoted mother and while taking summer classes for college!

Thanks to our Fiscal Sponsor and Funder Partners

Sierra Health Foundation: Center for Health Program Management

Transforming Justice in CA